
Paragon 28 Med. Devices Trading Ltd.,

Dublin, Ireland

Project work – single project

Market information Foot & Ankle Germany:

  • Development of a market model with segmentation
    and presentation of case numbers as well as market shares
  • Analysis of the market structure with hospital density
    and specialists per federal state

"From the onset, working with Bettina has been a pleasure. The project set-up was efficient and professional through-out. She had also managed to deliver a timely product which exceeded our expectations in both presentation and content. Her approach to the project was well thought out and analytical and the results show this. Thanks again Bettina for your hard work and personable approach!"

Ross Murphy, International Product Marketing Manager

Bioventus Coöperatief U.A.,

Hoofddorp, Netherlands

Project work – single project

Market analysis of knee surgery:

  • Creation of DRG coding examples with breakdown of reimbursement
  • Case number analysis on customer/hospital level
  • Identification of key accounts
  • Creation of a structured Excel file for further review/analysis

"Within 2022 and 2023 we worked with B. Barton Project Management. The project was executed above expectations and into a timely manner."

Onno Siegersma, Director International Marketing

ALPHANORM Medizintechnik GmbH,

Lassnitzhoehe, Austria

Project work – single project

Market overview OSG prosthetics & OSG arthrodesis Germany:

  • Elaboration of general market data foot and ankle
  • Overview competitor products OSG prosthetics & OSG arthrodesis
  • Case number analysis on customer/hospital level
  • Creation of a structured Excel file for further review/analysis

"I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Barton in the fall of 2022 on the recommendation of an internationally known foot surgeon. Very quickly we were able to discuss our needs through her expertise and industry knowledge and then concretize them in detail within a few days. By the agreed delivery date, we received very precise project results, giving us a very good, cost-effective basis for our further path to success. The way of working together, both personally and professionally, has led to the fact that we have listed Ms. Barton permanently in our pool of consultants and we will definitely use her services again. We thank her for the good cooperation.

Alexander Mussner, Managing Director / CEO

Skeletal Dynamics, LLC.,

Miami, Florida – USA

Project work – single project

Market analysis of trauma & recon upper extremities Germany:

  • Classification of the market; market size and growth analysis
  • Overview of the specifics of the German market
  • Explanation of the reimbursement system in Germany
  • Case number analysis of certain procedures and identification of key accounts

"Bettina was recommended to me by a colleague who knew her from the German ortho market. Since I was looking for market insight and had limited experience in Germany myself, it was clear to me: I needed support. The project was quickly understood and really approached with a "can-do-attitude". The open mind and also the efficiency were absolutely impressive. During the project Bettina regularly contacted me with updates and at the end there was a totally understandable, clear and informative presentation including discussion. All elaborated data was then also perfectly saved and sent to me. Even the request for a few additional data was followed up and worked out to my complete satisfaction. All in all, I can really recommend Bettina to anyone who is looking for support in the area of market analysis. I would always bring Bettina on board again and hope that we can start another project together soon.”

Jan Dietrich, Field Marketing Manager - Europe

Bioventus Germany GmbH,

Munich, Germany

Ongoing support in the fields of marketing and event organization; monthly variable schedule based on demand. Examples of activities:

  • Organization of Bioventus events
  • Creation and preparation of mailings
  • Graphic realization of flyers and other marketing materials
  • General support in daily business

"B.Barton supports us in a variety of different tasks. The cooperation is characterized by very high quality and fast execution, but especially by the input of own ideas and solution proposals. The pleasant way of communication rounds off the cooperation with B.Barton in an extremely positive way. In times of scarce resources, this is a real benefit!

Jan Harder, Marketing Manager Germany

Medical Magnesium GmbH,

Aachen, Germany

Project work – several individual projects

to bridge staffing shortages over a few months:

  • Complete development of a strategic marketing plan
  • Preparation of collaterals (e.g., roll-ups, patient brochures, testimonials)
  • Organization of event participation
  • Support in process optimization

"Our collaboration with Bettina on our marketing strategy for resorbable implants in trauma surgery was very fruitful. Her strong background and several years of experience have made long preparations and introductions needless and we could start right into the real work. Besides delivering really helpful output is has been great fun to work with Bettina.

Kilian Reuss, Co-Founder & Managing Director

“If you want to go fast go alone. if you want to go far go together.”

African Proverb

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